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5 Must-Haves for Contact Center Software

Sep 10, 2024, By Maddy Hubbard

Selecting the right contact center software is crucial for your enterprise. Discover the 5 must-haves, including AI-agnostic platforms, customer-driven deployment options, open vendor integration, compliance capabilities, and empowering tools to ensure you reach out right with your contact center solution.

There is no doubt, selecting the right contact center software for your enterprise is a big decision that should not be taken lightly.  Beyond the dollars and cents of your investment, there are five must-haves you should be sure your enterprise-grade software has: 

1. AI-Agnostic Platform

An AI-agnostic platform is a framework designed to work with multiple artificial intelligence (AI) systems, algorithms, or models without being tied to a specific one.  This empowers enterprises and developers to harness the capabilities of AI technologies effectively.  There are several benefits tied to an agnostic platform including: 

  • Compatibility: An AI-agnostic platform can integrate with different technologies, regardless of their underlying architectures, frameworks or programming languages.  This kind of flexibility means developers and users can switch between different AI solutions to better help meet their needs.  
  • Interoperability: This ensures that different AI components including AI models, data sources, APIs and computing environments communicate and work together seamlessly.
  • Scalability: It’s imperative to be able to support scaling AI applications as needed – whether this means accommodating larger datasets, more complex algorithms or higher computational demands – without being limited by specific AI vendor constraints.
  • Ease of Integration: It should be straightforward when it comes to integrating new AI models or algorithms without the need for extensive modifications or adaptions, ultimately reducing development time and effort.  
  • Vendor Neutrality: Not being tied to specific AI vendors or technologies gives user the freedom to leverage the best solutions available in the market.  
  • Flexibility: AI-agnostic platforms allow for customization and adaptations to specific use cases and industries allowing for a wide range of applications from different domains.  

2. Platform Deployment Methodology of Choice Dictated by the Customer, Not the Vendor

We all know that in order to manage customer interactions effectively, contact center software is crucial for modern enterprises.  The upgrade process to the latest and greatest can take time and money that can feel intimidating.  Finding a vendor that allows the customer to define the modernization pace, how quickly and in what manner they update or adopt new technologies.  This includes several aspects that must be considered:  

  • Platform Deployment: How will the new contact center software be implemented and integrated with your existing infrastructure?  Decisions will need to be made about deployment models, i.e., will it be cloud-based, on-premises, or hybrid?  How will it integrate with other systems like the CRM?  How will it need to be customized to fit specific business processes already in place?  The choice of deployment should align with the operational preferences, IT infrastructure and strategic goals of the customer. 
  • The Customer Decides – Not the Vendor: In today’s market, there has been a shift in the power dynamic.  Customers have more say than ever when selecting software that best meets their unique needs.  The customer should be in control of the pace of modernization while also choosing the deployment method that works best for them based on their operational needs, budget, security considerations and overall business strategy.  
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Enterprises should be evaluating contact center software based on how well it aligns with their specific needs and objectives. This ensures investments in technology are supporting business growth, while also enhancing customer satisfaction and improving operational efficiency. 

3. A True Open Platform Allowing Customers to Retain Their Preferred Vendors

Contact center software is likely not the only investment an organization is making. Before deciding to move or add a new solution, it’s important to be sure it supports the preferred vendors already in place – without imposing restrictions or dependencies.  Things to keep in mind are: 

  • Interoperability: The platform should be designed with open standards and APIs that enable seamless communication and integration with other systems and vendors.  This helps ensure that customers can retain their existing investments in complementary technologies. 
  • Flexibility: When it comes to specific functionality or services, customers like what they like and should have the ability to choose to use what works best for them.  For example, a contact center should be able to leverage their current CRM infrastructure instead of  one forced by their contact center vendor. 
  • Vendor Neutrality: Neutrality empowers customers to select their own vendors based on merit, cost-effectiveness, and compatibility with their specific business needs, rather than being locked into the offerings of a single provider. 
  • Scalability and Integration: When looking at making a long-term software commitment, enterprises shouldn’t be locked into the technology of today.  Software should be scalable to accommodate growth and changes in the technology landscape over time. Additionally, it should facilitate easy integration with new vendors as their business evolves to ensure long-term viability and adaptability. 

4. A Compliance-Capable Platform That Supports Sophisticated Requirements (Even for a Subset of Users)

Compliance and regulatory requirements, especially in relation to outbound activities like collections, sales calls and marketing activities, are a hot topic.  Enterprise organizations that want to do it right must be cognizant of the requirements, and the software they choose should be capable of seamlessly helping them maintain compliance – even if the agent population engaged in outreach activities are just a subset of the entire agent population.  Companies interested in contact center software should be on the lookout for: 

  • Compliance Capable Platform: The contact center platform should be equipped with features and functionalities desgined to adhere to regulatory standards and requirements such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States or similar laws in other regions. 
  • Sophisticated Requirements: The platform should be capable of supporting complex and specific compliance rules.  This might include rules around calling hours, do-not-call (DNC) lists, consent management, opt-outs, and other compliance-related protocols.  
  • Implication: The software should have the ability to handle compliance even if only a portion of the agents are engaged in outbound activities that are subject to strict regulatory requirements.  The platform should manage and enforce those requirements effectively, including automated compliance checks, monitoring tools and audit trails.  

5. Tools and Applications That Empower the Contact Center Platform

A flexible platform allows customers to combine their preferred technologies to ensure seamless integration and superior performance.  However, the base of that flexibility is robust technology to support it.  Enterprises need to consider:  

  • Enhanced Tools and Applications: Contact centers rely on various tools and applications to help efficiently manage customer interactions.  This includes CRM systems, ticketing software, workforce management tools, quality monitoring solutions and more. Leveraging these tools helps improve operational efficiency, customer satisfaction and agent productivity.  A certain win for any enterprise organization.  
  • Customization and Integration: When choosing a contact center solution, companies should consider a strategy in which they can focus on customizing and integrating the existing tools they already count on to better meet their specific needs and objectives.  This allows them to tailor their tech stack according to their operational workflows and customer experience goals.  
  • Operational Efficiency: Empowering a contact center platform with the right tools and applications helps organizations enhance operational efficiency. For example, integrating the current CRM system helps provide agents with comprehensive customer data which leads to a more personalized interaction, faster issue resolution and an improved customer experience. 

Choosing the right contact center software should not be taken lightly. Considering these five must-haves is critical for making the right decision to ensure you reach out right for your enterprise.

If you’d like to learn more about Alvaria’s solution, we’d love to show you a demo and discuss the possibilities. Let’s talk!

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